Your Cat’s Oddest Behaviors and Quirks, Explained

Pawing At Their Water Is An Instinct

It is a common instinctual behavior for cats to paw at their water. While the myth that all cats dislike water is not true, not all cats exhibit this behavior. This behavior is actually an instinctual behavior that dates back to their wild ancestors who would paw at streams and bodies of water to check for movement or disturbances, which could indicate the presence of prey. For some cats, pawing at the water bowl can be a playful act.

pawing at water

However, for others, it may indicate a preference for fresh, moving water. In such cases, splashing the water may be their way to making it more akin to the water found in natural springs or even tap water. This behavior highlights cats’ discerning nature when it comes to their water source, almost as if they were connoisseurs of bottled water in restaurants.


Keep reading to find out why you shouldn’t take it too personally if your cat ignores you.

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