10 Signs Someone is Getting Alzheimer’s According to Experts

As we age, many people complain about their memory. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative pathology that affects memory, but also other cognitive functions such as language and reasoning. The alteration of these different functions leads to a gradual decline in autonomy for activities every day.

Spotting the signs of Alzheimer’s disease is key to being able to initiate early treatment. The role of those around you is essential to the detection of this disease: it is, therefore, important to know the signs alert. Here is a summary of the signs that are associated or repeated, and should alert:

1. Noticeable memory loss

During normal aging: it may happen to search for words, have difficulties in finding the names of people, or even forget appointments.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss concerns mainly news and recent events. The people may, for example, not remember details of an important event or ask for the same information several times. They can also be in difficulty finding the names of people in their close entourage or may still use one word instead of another.

2. Difficulties with planning, concentration, and problem-solving

During normal aging: you may feel more distracted and make occasional errors in performing complex tasks (such as calculations for example). 

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease: some people may have great difficulty concentrating and may need a lot more time to complete complex tasks. It can also be more and more difficult for them to achieve two things at the same time and these people may also be more easily distracted if they are interrupted or disturbed by surrounding noise. Thereby, problem-solving, invoice management, or even the planning of activities, for example, can gradually be impacted, even abandoned.

3. Difficulty performing familiar tasks

During normal aging: we can happen to make mistakes in our familiar daily activities, due to lack of attention.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease: the person will be in difficulty performing familiar everyday tasks. Thereby, preparing meals, taking medication, or doing shopping and cleaning using household appliances can become more and more complex. The person can also be struggling to remember the rules of his favorite card game.

During normal aging: it may happen to doubt the day of the week, then find it later. 

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, a person may believe be in another season or another year already distant. She can also get lost in a place that is nevertheless familiar and no longer know how she got there.

4. Disorientation in time and space

During normal aging: one may happen to doubt the day of the week, then finds it later.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, a person may believe be in another season or another year already distant. She can also get lost in a place that is nevertheless familiar and no longer know how she got there.

5. Recognition difficulties

During normal aging: one may happen to have difficulties for recognize an object or reading because of vision problems.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, it is possible to present difficulties identification of objects or even faces without this being linked to visual problems (myopia or cataracts for example). It may even be going as far as the difficulty of recognizing one’s reflection in the mirror.

6. Difficulties in oral and written expression and comprehension

During normal aging: it may happen to have a word about the tip of the tongue without being able to find it.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, language difficulties will concern both expression and comprehension. Thereby, the person may have difficulty finding simple words and usual in everyday language or may tend to use one word instead of another. It can also be difficult for them to follow or start a conversation. Writing and spelling can also be impacted.

During normal aging: it may happen that you no longer know where your glasses are put down, but to find them a few minutes later by retracing the path initially made before the loss of the object.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, people can misplace objects and be unable to retrace their steps to find them.

It can also happen to put objects in places not appropriate, such as putting the phone in the freezer.

In some cases, people may complain that the lost item was stolen by someone else.

8. Decreased judgment and decision-making abilities

During normal aging: it may happen to take a bad occasional decision.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, people may have an alteration in their ability to judge a situation or to make a reasonable decision adapted to the context. This can impact for example their relationship to money: the person can make purchases of disproportionate amounts or else not be able to detect when trying

to scam him. It can also mean that the person is not able to adapt their clothing to the weather conditions, and thus wear winter clothes in the summer.

9. Gradual withdrawal from social and professional activities

During normal aging: it can happen to get tired of social activity or our work, but to quickly find some enthusiasm.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, people will gradually detach themselves from their centers of interest, their favorite hobbies, and plans (apathy). They can detach gradually from their friends and family members and tend to isolate and withdraw into themselves. Apathy is distinct from depression because it does not necessarily induce sadness.

10. Changes in behavior, mood, and personality.

During normal aging, there may be times when you feel more irritable or sadder.

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, relatives can notice quite pronounced changes in behavior or the patient’s personality. Thus, it is possible to observe in sick people mood swings for no apparent reason, significant anxiety, irritability, or oppositional behaviors.

Initially sociable and cheerful people can also become suspicious, aggressive, and withdrawn.

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